The Automatic digital bitumen penetrometer is used to automatic measure the needle penetration depth/penetration of bituminous samples at the load, time and temperature defined in the relevant EN and ASTM standard.
The penetration depth of the penetration needle is determined using an electronic position measuring system, which is decoupled from the piston during the test. An influence on the load and friction is excluded, thanks to the free guidance of the piston.
The needle is raised and lowered automatically by the measuring system. A manual mode via joystick is also possible. Then, the plunger is activated by an automatic device and locked again after the test period. The test result is displayed on the graphic touch screen. The piston can be easily removed to calibrate its weight.
The bitumen penetrometer is supplied complete with outfit for penetration of bituminous materials including needle, holder, 50 g weight.
Technical Specifications:
• Measuring range: 0-300 (equivalent to 0-30 mm)
• Resolution: 0.01 mm
• Test load: 100 g (piston 97.5 g + penetration needle 2.5 g)
• Test time: free (adjustable from 0.01 seconds)
The Automatic Digital Bitumen Penetrometer is supplied with;
• Penetration Needle, 1 piece
• Transfer Dish
• Sample Cup, Ø 55x35 mm, 6 pieces, stainless steel