The open cup Cleveland flash tester is used to determine the flash and fire point of petroleum products. It consists of a brass cup mounted on an electric heater with a temperature controller and a thermometer. Conforming to the CE Directive, the unit is supplied complete with a double line-fuse, Hot plate control apparatus and a thermometer( -6 C to +400 C ).
The Cleveland Flash Tester is supplied complete with;
• Brass Cup
• Thermometer IP28C, -6 +400°C
Purpose of Open Cup Flash Point Test:
It is an experiment carried out to find the temperature at which the bitumen glows when it comes into contact with a flame and there is no continuous combustion process.
Equipments to be Used in the Open Cup Flash Point Experiment:
• Brass Cup ,
• Thermometer IP28C, -6 +400°C
How to Performing the Open Cup Flash Point Experiment:
• In the flash point test, the bituminous material to be used is heated until to a suitable fluidity.
• Proper fluidity is usually achieved between 140 and 170°C.
• The test sample and its amount are adjusted by filling the bitumen sample up to the determined part of the device in the brass cup.
• At the start of the test the rate of temperature should be between 5 and 17 °C per minute until it approaches the flash point.
The temperature value read from the thermometer at the moment of ignition is accepted as the flash point of the test sample. The temperature of the sample at which flaming is observed for at least 5 seconds on its surface is the flash point.